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Friends of Kings Nympton School (FOKNS)

Every parent/carer is automatically a member of The Friends of Kings Nympton Primary School, which is run by a committee, and new, active members are always very welcome. We are very grateful for the support, interest and co-operation which we receive from the Friends and in particular for the fundraising events that they organise for us. The funds raised always go towards equipment, outings or curriculum support for the pupils. The Friends' funding plays a significant role in enabling us to put on such a varied extra-curricular programme and subsidises the cost of trips, residentials etc to families significantly. 

The current committee members are:

Helen French - Secretary

Tom French - Treasurer

Carli Williams - Co Chair

Sasha Butler - Co Chair

Amy Andrews Straw

Matt Andrews Straw

Zoe Phillips

Scott Marsh

Here is an overview of the incredible funding support provided by the Friends to the school over the past couple of academic years:



Friends contribution

Whole School First Aid Workshop

Full cost covered

Year 6 Surfing Residential

Return coach travel cost

Whole School Theatre Alibi Production

Full cost covered

Class 2 RAMM trip

Museum entry and train travel (full cost covered)

Class 1 and Preschool Queen’s Theatre trip

Return coach travel cost

Whole School Author Visit

Full cost covered

Whole School Animal Encounters Workshop

Full cost covered

FRIends' events